Miqdad Qawasmeh, who Shin Bet says is being held for unspecified Hamas activity, will be freed in February, after his condition had deteriorated rapidly
Palestinian inmates demand reversal of measures taken since six detainees escaped in September; Israel Prison Services spokesperson says no such action yet in evidence
Hospital says nurses understand severity of actions posing with Hamas member; Miqdad Qawasmeh has been on hunger strike for over 80 days to protest being held without trial
After intending to protest detention conditions imposed following jailbreak from Gilboa Prison, group says demands have been 'met'; Israel Prisons Service refuses to comment
Shin Bet detained Maher al-Akhras without charges on suspicion of membership in Islamic Jihad in late July, although he denies being part of terror group
Hospital sought to discharge Maher al-Akhras, but he objected; Israeli authorities say he is a dangerous Islamic Jihad activist -- but also plan to free him in November
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