Pesach is getting closer, and near chaos has broken out in a small set of offices located in Jerusalem. These are the offices of charity organization Vaad HaRabbanim, where 10 new volunteers have been added just to prepare for the flow of Kimcha Depischa donations. With each donation that comes in, another check is written for a poor family. For the families receiving the checks, the help comes at a crucial time: They have only days to purchase groceries and other essentials for the holiday. One young mother in particular reflects on what Pesach has been like for her family: “ Ever since my husband passed away, I’ve been struggling to care for our 8 kids alone. Money is always hard, but there’s nothing more difficult than Pesach.

A missed call is a potential client you missed or a client who is upset you didn’t answer. How many times has your business missed important calls, or worse, received calls that were mishandled due to a lack of understanding? How many times have you tried to leave a message with your heimishe service provider but had trouble understanding the phone representative’s accented English? Introducing Pirsum Management, an answering service that meets all your needs.  We make both businesses and consumers happy. Smart communication is our specialty! Our wide selection of specially trained agents will boost your business, especially those catering exclusively to the frum community, by providing reliable, intelligent information that is fully understood.

“It has its challenges, but really we love it,” says Fraidy Deutsch* about being one of 14 kids. “That is we did, until…” Her voice trails off. The Deutsch family* was flipped upside down recently with the diagnosis of their father, a respected Rabbi & talmid chacham. Weighed down by medical debts, the family was forced to downgrade to a one-bedroom apartment. Each night, roll-out mattresses cover the floors of the shabby living room. Their father continues his Torah study & teaching despite being violently ill. Other members of the beis midrash were alarmed when the rabbi lost consciousness mid-shiur.  Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl, who knows the family personally, released a powerful video address asking the public to help the Deutsches.

“It has its challenges, but really we love it,” says Fraidy Deutsch* about being one of 14 kids. “That is we did, until…” Her voice trails off. The Deutsch family* was flipped upside down recently with the diagnosis of their father, a respected Rabbi & talmid chacham. Weighed down by medical debts, the family was forced to downgrade to a one-bedroom apartment. Each night, roll-out mattresses cover the floors of the shabby living room. Their father continues his Torah study & teaching despite being violently ill. Other members of the beis midrash were alarmed when the rabbi lost consciousness mid-shiur.  Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl, who knows the family personally, released a powerful video address asking the public to help the Deutsches.

Dear brothers and sisters, My name is Rivki and with Hashem’s help I will be getting married very soon! My happiness is not complete because I have no way to pay for anything! I do not have any relatives or friends who can help me pay for my wedding. I beg of every Jewish soul to please open your heart and donate whatever possible to my wedding fund. DONATE NOW! You have an incredible opportunity to invest in the great mitzva of hachnosas kallah, and you will be wiping away the bitter tears from my eyes. In the zechus of helping me, Hashem should send you shefa and hatzlacha in all areas of life in good health. Tizku limitzvos. Rivki CLICK TO DONATE!

It was the end of their first date and Yair & Rachel were starting to worry. It seemed the worst case scenario was taking place: They really liked each other. Why would this be bad news? Well, because then they’d have to tell each other the truth.  “Ever since my father passed away,” began Rachel nervously, “things have been difficult.” Yair’s eyes opened wide. “Ever since my father passed away, we have struggled too.” The young boy & girl opened up and found that they had shockingly similar “secrets.” Both of them had lived in poverty since their fathers had passed away at a tragically young age. Yair’s father from cancer, Rachel’s in a car crash just outside her house.

Search hard for the afikoman. Find the perfect present easily.  We’ve made finding the perfect afikoman gift simple and fun! From now through Pesach, all new subscribers who sign up for a one-year subscription will receive a choice of four free gifts: a mini waterproof suction speaker, two-piece walkie-talkies, an LCD drawing tablet, and great Circle gear.   Already a subscriber Get 20% off all Circle products at No limit. No expiration. Bubbies, save more when you gift your grandchildren with The Circle! It’s the perfect gift for kids, pre-teens, and teenagers, and is geared to both boys and girls. Multiple subscriptions, bigger savings! 80 pages packed with Everything kids love. Comics. Stories. Fun Pages. Contests.

Please extend your hand and help the young widow who has been left alone with her four children, the oldest being 8 years old and the youngest a baby. With her husband’s tragic passing after a prolonged illness, she has been left penniless and is unable to feed her young orphans all this in addition to the many debts accumulated during her husband’s illness. CLICK HERE TO DONATE! Dear brothers, we must not abandon her and leave her all alone, in accordance to the rabbonim we are creating a fund which will support her with her monthly expenses and with the help of askanim spread out the debts so that her home won’t be confiscated. The father of orphans is urging us – help my children and in that merit I will have mercy on yours, so that you will see much nachas from them in good health.

When Rabbi Eliyahu Greenberg’s phone rang at 6 AM this past Sunday, he didn’t recognize the number on the blinding screen. But when he groggily picked up the phone and heard the voice on the other line, he jumped out of bed.   It was Rabbi Cohen*.   An old friend from yeshiva days, Rabbi Cohen eventually became the Rav of Odessa, Ukraine, and though once close, the two had lost contact over the years. When Rabbi Cohen explained why he was calling, Eliyahu was amazed at the hashgacha– As the head of a chesed organization that helps needy families in Israel, he was just the right person to help.   Then, together with the help of Rav Moshe Brandsdorfer, Rabbi Greenberg started out on a daunting mission: To save the Jews of Odessa.

Please extend your hand and help the young widow who has been left alone with her four children, the oldest being 8 years old and the youngest a baby. With her husband’s tragic passing after a prolonged illness, she has been left penniless and is unable to feed her young orphans all this in addition to the many debts accumulated during her husband’s illness. CLICK HERE TO DONATE! Dear brothers, we must not abandon her and leave her all alone, in accordance to the rabbonim we are creating a fund which will support her with her monthly expenses and with the help of askanim spread out the debts so that her home won’t be confiscated. The father of orphans is urging us – help my children and in that merit I will have mercy on yours, so that you will see much nachas from them in good health.
