US director of national intelligence to step down after a turbulent two years in which he and the president were often at odds over Russian interference in the 2016 election

Democrats and some Republicans say Congress must do more after Mitch McConnell blocks House-passed bill authorizing $775 million to beef up state election systems

Mueller’s testimony sent the clearest signal yet that impeachment may be slipping out of reach for Democrats

In hearing, Republicans and Democrats take divergent paths in questioning, with Trump's GOP allies trying to cast former special counsel as politically motivated

Former Russia probe special counsel makes televised appearance on Capitol Hill to answer questions on investigation; Trump says he's 'a very innocent President'

Before special counsel takes his seat to testify before Congress, the US president tweets nine times about the investigation

Former special counsel to appear before two House committees to discuss his report looking into Trump campaign's Russia ties

Two days before former FBI director talks to Congress, president reiterates his insistence the investigation was a 'ridiculous Witch Hunt'

After receiving subpoenas, special counsel will testify about report he issued in April on possible Russian connections to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign

House Judiciary Committee to review 'presidential obstruction and other crimes,' intelligence committee to look at Moscow's meddling in what Pelosi terms an investigative 'path'
