Body taken from Madrid mausoleum to small family crypt after law prohibits 'exaltation of dictator in a public place'; move opens old political wounds, angers Franco's family

Mikhail Fridman, who holds Israeli citizenship, attends pre-trial hearing over accusations he used methods 'typically used by the Russian mafia' to devalue firm he sought to buy

Demonstrators angry over Spain's jailing of nine Catalan separatist leaders; football authorities cancelled the Barcelona and Real Madrid Clasico

London and Madrid join other major powers in punishing Ankara for its invasion of Kurdish-held area

Deadline passes after four years as Madrid seeks to address 'historic mistake' of exile of community in 1492; 3,000 Israelis among applicants

New cookbook features unique kosher dishes unwittingly prepared by generations of a Catholic Cuban-Spanish family with hidden Sephardic Jewish roots

France, Germany, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom issue joint statement warning move would be 'a serious breach of international law'

Embassy in Madrid working to return the body of 22-year-old who reportedly fell 30 meters at the Sierra de Guara mountains

Marchena looks to reconnect with its Jewish history by gathering foreigners whose families were exiled by Inquisition

Attracting hundreds of visitors a month, Casa Adret is a lodestone for contemporary Jewish identity in a city that faces obstacles as it seeks to restore a lost heritage
