Although just a few short days into the school year, the enthusiasm to learn Torah is as strong as ever. While the threat of Hurricane Dorian and its powerful winds forced the closure of Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes along with other local yeshivos and schools, it couldn’t diminish the ruach of excitement as children gathered together in the various South Florida communities to voluntarily learn on their unanticipated days off.

In Miami Beach, the Kollel hosted two days of learning, sponsored by YTCTE board member Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Summer. One of YTCTE’s newest rabbeim, Rabbi Shmueli Stein helped organize the learning with close to 70 children participating.

“You can do it in every community around the world”
Learning The Daf is an incredible, life changing experience: Every yid can complete Shas!
As meaningful and rewarding as it is to complete Shas every seven-and-a-half years, can one imagine what it means to complete it twice over that time period?
Shortly before the last Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi, one chaburah of Daf Yomi learners came up with an idea as simple as it is ingenious. There are seven members in the chaburah. Each member would be responsible to review one Daf a week thoroughly and present its shakla v’tarya summary to fellow chaburah members. Each Daf chazarah takes about eight minutes. Within one hour, an entire week’s learning of The Daf has been reviewed.

On Monday, a preparatory meeting took place in the Israeli consulate in Kiev ahead of the annual mass pilgrimage of Jews to Uman for Rosh Hashanah.
Organizers expect that the annual pilgrimage to the grave site of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, which is located in the relatively small town of Uman, will surpass 50,000 people this year. In light of the massive amount of visitors, most of whom come from Israel, Israel’s Foreign Ministry organized a meeting of the major organizations involved in running and securing the event. Among those present were Israeli Ambassador to the Ukraine Mr. Joel Lion, a representative of Israel’s police force, local health agencies and law enforcement and Chief Operations Director for United Hatzalah David Krispel.

