New Apple TV+ show is based on a true, and incredible, tale that unfolds within New York's unknowing Jewish community, as a psychiatrist takes over a patient's life
Eddie Marsan, who is not Jewish, portrays leader of anti-fascist group in 'Ridley Road'; Twitter users claim he supports 'apartheid' and the show is 'favoring Zionists'
Airing Sundays, 'Ridley Road' is a fictionalized look at the real-life antisemites who threatened British Jewry, and the Jewish toughs who beat some sense into them
New show airing weekly on Apple TV+ is an utterly enchanting take on the 1940s Broadway musical 'Brigadoon,' filmed at the height of the pandemic inside a 'bubble'
Rejecting claims that the show promotes anti-Orthodox or antisemitic rhetoric, the reality star says her goal is to help women find their voices within Judaism
As season 3 debuts in Israel ahead of a global rollout on Netflix this spring, viewers tell us what they love about the drama revolving around an ultra-Orthodox Israeli family
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