After antisemitism drove Jews away in Corbyn era, MP Steve McCabe says opposition party has returned to traditional Israel-backing stance, but is concerned about the new coalition
Party leader Keir Starmer is serious about eradicating bigotry - but after the previous head's tenure, the well of public opinion about Jews may have already been poisoned
UK Jewish News says party leader told BBC Radio he sees 'no circumstances' under which former chief accused of antisemitism will be allowed to defend his seat as Labour candidate
Former party leader alleges he was always facing 'powerful forces' such as Netanyahu, Trump; urges West to stop supplying Ukraine with weapons to defend itself from Russia
After watchdog calls on Keir Starmer to apologize, party spokesperson says footage from visit to site was included in ad because it was such a moving experience for the party chief
Probe finds Corbynites believed allegations of antisemitism designed to attack ex-party chair, while right faction saw the issue as a means to attack the left-wing leader
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