MK Meir Porush wants control over site, including implementation of findings of investigative panel into 2021 tragedy; he opposed the committee's formation

Despite snags in coalition talks, Netanyahu reportedly wants to quickly replace Knesset speaker and pass laws that would allow Deri to be a minister and police to be under Ben Gvir

Haredi parties said to demand measure to overturn High Court rulings that accepted conversions performed by other established communities; Reform movement slams proposal

Outgoing Prime Minister Lapid likens policy to Iran's, drawing outrage amid renewed debate over whether separate seating is inherently discriminatory

Report says likely new coalition to raise monthly handouts to $380, costing taxpayers an additional $439 million a year; former PM Bennett: Move 'neither practical nor moral'

Right-religious bloc advances negotiations as Religious Zionism, UTJ and Shas haggle with Likud over policy, ministry appointments; Herzog kicks off consultations on PM pick

Top spiritual leader reportedly tells United Torah Judaism MKs to not compromise on issue, while Netanyahu said to prefer to first swear-in coalition, then agree on policy moves

Haredi party chairs to coordinate on issues regarding Jewish identity as ultra-Orthodox factions look likely to play major role on return to government; US envoy Nides phones Deri

Anticipated coalition still likely to have major impact on religion-and-state issues, with reforms on kashrut certification, conversion and LGBT rights expected to be rolled back

After final vote tally announced, Likud leader to control a 64-seat bloc despite narrow lead in overall vote count, as both Meretz and Balad drop below electoral threshold
