Female Arab MK upbraids Knesset for 'promoting racism on the backs of victims'

Unsigned PSA aimed at ultra-Orthodox community runs in circular that once reportedly refused to publish safety advice because charities buying ad space 'cooperated with Zionists'

Politicians from outgoing coalition say PM-designate putting Avi Maoz in charge of Israel's Jewish identity is a 'slap in the face,' could 'plunge Israel into the abyss'

Lawmakers, some of them immigrants from the former Soviet Union, rail against Interior Minister Shaked's seemingly unprecedented policy

Serious cases still rising but expert says Israel may be at wave's peak with tens of thousands of undetected daily infections; finance, culture ministers announce aid for art world

Finance minister tells Lau he must fulfill terms of his job or be ousted; plenum vote on bill pushed off two weeks due to lack of support

Moshe Gafni decries Yulia Malinovsky's amendment increasing fines for vandals who deface images of women in public to NIS 30,000

Ultra-Orthodox lawmakers fume over proposal, which would open up kosher certification to private agencies

Yuval Steinitz says prime minister is doing what he can to help Naama Issachar; sister says although she has US citizenship family has not asked Washington to intervene