Six months after he was attacked in the Of Oz food production plant in the Negev town of Segev Shalom, mashgiach Eliraz Barvai was attacked once again by the same man. This time, he was choked and hit with a metal rod. The original attack took place during operation Guardian of The Walls when Eliraz arrived at work as the mashgiach in the Shechita house. “Until that day when I told the worker that he was doing something incorrectly, everything was going fine. That’s my job as the mashgiach to point out when someone is doing something wrong. The worker’s manager punished him and sent him home early,” Eliraz recounted. Eliraz said that after the man received his punishment, he attacked Eliraz.

Only months after calling for a boycott of Major League Baseball, former President Donald Trump did the tomahawk chop with Atlanta Braves fans at Game 4 of the World Series on Saturday night. Trump stood beside his wife, Melania, as he chopped away with fans before the game between the Atlanta Braves and Houston Astros from a private suite. Trump was expected to be joined by political allies, including U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker. Trump released a statement in a mass email to his supporters Saturday about his planned World Series appearance: “Looking forward to being at the World Series in Atlanta tonight. Thank you to the Commissioner of Baseball Rob Manfred, and Randy Levine of the New York Yankees, for the invite.

President Joe Biden’s popularity across the nation is cratering amid numerous out-of-control crises ranging from inflation to an unprecedented influx of illegal migrants at the southern border. According to a poll from left-leaning NBC News, President Biden’s national approval rating has sunk to a new low – just 42% – marking a stunning decline of nearly 20% since he took office and the largest drop in approval during the first year of taking office of any president since World War 2. According to the poll released Sunday, Biden’s has a -12% net performance approval rating nationally among all adults (42% who approve to 54% who disapprove), and a -7% net approval rating from registered voters (45% to 52%).

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan ripped up the annual report of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) from the podium on Friday. Speaking to the General Assembly, Erdan excoriated the council for its “obsessive anti-Israel bias.” “Since the establishment of the council 15 years ago, it has decided to blame and condemn Israel not 10 times like Iran or 35 times like Syria,” Erdan said. “The Human Rights Council has attacked Israel with 95 resolutions, compared to 142 against all other countries combined.” “It was on this stage at this very body that the very right of the Jewish people to have a national home was itself declared to be racist. A decision that was justly overturned.

Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael, HaGaon HaRav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi returned to the yeshivah on Thursday morning for the first time since he was released from the hospital on Friday. HaRav Ezrachi was hospitalized last week in critical condition but made a miraculously speedy recovery. The video shows the Rosh Yeshivah, who still looks very weak, being accompanied to his chair by the bochurim who are singing and dancing in his honor. Due to his advanced age, the public is asked to continue davening for the continued refuah of HaRav Baruch Mordechai ben Hinda Malka b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

President Joe Biden declared Thursday he has reached a “historic economic framework” with Democrats in Congress on his sweeping domestic policy package, a hard-fought yet dramatically scaled-back deal announced just before he departs for overseas summits. Biden’s remarks at the White House came after he traveled to Capitol Hill to make the case to House Democrats for the still robust domestic package — $1.75 trillion of social services and climate change programs the White House believes can pass the 50-50 Senate. “It will fundamentally change the lives of millions of people for the better,” Biden said at the White House.

Joseph’s Silver Store in Stamford Hill, London, was the victim of a professional burglary early Thursday morning. Security camera footage provided to YWN by Shomrim show a vehicle arrive at the store on Stamford Hill Road at around 3:20AM. Four occupants exit the vehicle, one with a heavy saw, and gain access to the establishment in seconds. The burglars are seen filling large bags with thousands of dollars in merchandise such as silver menorah’s, candelabras etc. The suspects managed to execute the entire heist in around 3 minutes. Both Shomrim and the Police were on the scene in under 3 minutes, but the suspects were gone. A heavy investigation is underway. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

The candidates running to become New York City’s mayor lobbed accusations at each other about palling around with gangsters and acting like children or clowns, but their second debate ended on a surprisingly tender note involving cats and veganism. A week before the city of 8.8 million people votes to pick a new mayor, Democrat Eric Adams and Republican Curtis Sliwa laid out their plans Tuesday for addressing rising violent crime in the city and how to chart a path out of the pandemic’s deadly wake. It was the second meeting between Adams, the Brooklyn Borough president and former New York City police captain who is widely expected to win the election in the heavily Democratic city, and Sliwa, the founder of the Guardian Angels anti-crime patrol.

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday clashed with Republican senators over the Justice Department’s efforts to crack down on violent threats against school boards, with one GOP member telling the former judge, “Thank God you’re not on the Supreme Court.” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) made the remark during a heated exchange in which the senator tried to tie the Justice Department’s new school board policy to an incident in Loudoun County, Va., where a teenager was accused of assaulting a fellow student in a school bathroom. “This testimony, your directive, your performance is shameful,” Cotton said. “Thank God, you’re not on the Supreme Court. You should resign in disgrace, judge.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

A group of mashgichei kashrus gathered outside the home of Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana (Yamina) on Monday to protest his controversial kashrus reforms which are expected to be passed in the Knesset in the coming weeks. The nature of the protest was decidedly unique as the mashgichim fried shrimp and other seafood to make a point about the nature of Kahana’s reform. They also brought mice and rabbits in cages bearing the “kashrus certificates” of Hashgachas Matan Kahana and Avigdor Leiberman.
