Soldiers and others are helping to rescue wild animals hurt in war-torn areas
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Suspect was apparently trying to keep wildlife away from his avocado orchard, leading to deaths of dogs, wild boars, coyotes and more

Ramat Mazar is home to several species that are unique to Israel, among them the Nubian ibex, dorcas gazelle, desert tawny owl and Blanford's fox

Israel Nature and Parks Authority files indictment against Petah Tikva resident accused of taking yellow water lily from Yarkon National Park, bolting when confronted by inspectors

An attempt to accommodate summertime Haredi visits to nature reserves is adding heat to the raging fight over the country's character

Justice officials need to authorize the project, which would extend opening hours for religiously observant visitors at two natural springs in August

Peak to come Thursday, with 33°C in Tel Aviv, 37°C in Jerusalem; electricity management company presents plan to avoid repeat of June blackouts

Nature groups warn the deaths of some 1,000 young birds 'means the elimination of the nesting season' for 2 species at risk of local extinction

Ecologist says tiger sharks native to area, but rare sighting raises questions if the sea is safe for swimmers

Haul of 21 creatures impounded at customs in joint op by Border Police, customs and Nature and Parks Authority
