Two-year-old German shepherd in the doghouse as 'next steps' are evaluated, after he was again filmed biting Secret Service agent last month

Run by alumni of the IDF's prestigious Oketz unit, Project Locate teaches family dogs to work together with their owners to sniff out disaster victims or intruders

Israel Kennel Club, which breeds 3,000 puppies annually under strict rules, says ministry wrong to target breeders, should insist on registration and supervision instead

Records sought by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch shows Commander's repeated attacks on employees; White House says environment stressful for pets

Pets apparently had their own room in Buckingham Palace, complete with daily sheet changes; reports say dogs will live with disgraced royal and ex-wife Sarah Ferguson

35-year-old filmed pet with two paws on steering wheel as the pair navigated city streets, is suspected of reckless driving

In country where temperatures often soar above 45°C and remain high at night, taking a dog out for a walk can be challenging and often dangerous

Police chief says Yamam K9 Zili 'saved' troops lives during gunfight with terrorists in Nablus; officials say he took part in hundreds of operations

Two-year-old Jack Russell Terrier, whose name means 'bullet' in Ukrainian, has helped clear some 90 explosives in Chernihiv, authorities say

Backers of new proposal call possession of cats and dogs a 'destructive social problem'
