Document from 2019 had been referenced by then-Attorney General William Barr in declaring Donald Trump innocent of obstruction of justice during investigation of election meddling

Associate links move to tycoon with ties to Putin who was among a dozen Russians indicted in 2018 by a US grand jury in the Mueller investigation

Former special counsel says investigation of Trump campaign's purported ties with Moscow 'was of paramount importance,' rejects claims that 'our motives were improper'

Hearings come as part of Republican effort to refocus attention on investigation as Trump faces criticism over handling of coronavirus and unrest following death of George Floyd

Affidavit quotes Trump confidant Roger Stone being told by a Jerusalem contact: 'He is going to be defeated unless we intervene. We have critical intell. The key is in your hands!'

Report by internal watchdog forecast to conclude there was adequate basis for opening investigation, but also identify errors and misjudgments by some law enforcement officials

In a ruling that affirms the legality of the impeachment inquiry itself, judge orders department to turn over secret grand jury testimony by October 30

Whereas other scandals faded away in a fog of opaque probes and claims of a witchhunt, president will have a harder time escaping the whistleblower's accusations

Caught off guard by impeachment inquiry, Trump and his team are turning to old tactics in their response to explosive whistleblower complaint

Mueller's testimony sheds light on president's 'depths of systemic deception,' says lawmaker, bringing to 117 the number of Democrats endorsing the move, upping pressure on Pelosi
