Star and creator Fran Drescher working with Rachel Bloom and Adam Schlesinger to produce stage musical version of hit '90s TV show

The Jewish songwriter, who created 10 Broadway shows, won two Tony Awards, and two Grammys, championed the 'simple, hummable show tune' as his contemporaries wrote darker material

'Dear Jack, Dear Louise,' by Broadway legend Ken Ludwig, weaves a bi-coastal correspondence at the height of WWII into a full-fledged romance tale -- and a humorous one

When Rabbi Jill Hausman came on board 14 years ago, the temple had only 12 members, but renting out stage space in a nod to its acting roots has helped fill coffers and pews

Though backed by three impresarios, the now iconic ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ was originally far from a sure thing. A new documentary traces the show's grassroots international success

Legendary musical theater don worked on the first stage production of 'Fiddler on the Roof' in the 60s before going on to define the genre as an icon of his generation

Broadway shows forced to cancel and New Yorkers sweat like its 1977 after transformer fire plunges some 40,000 in Midtown to Upper West Side into un-air conditioned darkness

Charnin made his Broadway debut playing a Jet in the original 'West Side Story,' before turning to writing; was fiercely protective over his musical hit about the little orphan

Iconic singer-songwriter who stopped touring this year due to Parkinson's says he's excited to tell his life story on stage

With documentary 'Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles' premiering Wednesday, filmmaker Max Lewkowicz investigates why Tevye, Golde, and Anatevka captured hearts the world over
