Smotrich calls emergency meeting of Religious Zionism party; Ben Gvir calls on PM to publicly disavow reports or 'face consequences'; defense minister says no arms were transferred

National security minister has proclaimed he has sole authority on decision but has been stymied by Netanyahu, who appears to be heeding call of security chiefs to avoid escalation

Defiant national security minister insists his office has final say, after PM sides with security establishment and pushes off decision on minimizing visitation rights

Swipe at far-right minister represents highly rare criticism of a senior member of the Israeli government by one of Jewish state's biggest allies in Congress

Shikma Bressler apologizes for remark directed at far-right parties, which she said should not be negotiated with; protest organizers dismiss Netanyahu's criticism as 'hypocrisy'

National Security minister reportedly insisting he has authority over visitation schedule and will enforce official regulations despite warnings by security chiefs

Police minister said to push authorities to advance process, as state reportedly uninterested in pressing charges that may prevent suspects from leaving Israel

State Attorney Amit Aisman says all allegations against protesters and police officers will be independently evaluated, insists law enforcement agency discretion must be preserved

After rioting in city's south, justice and national security ministers tout plan to move asylum seekers to wealthier, and left-leaning, neighborhoods

In TV survey, 22% of respondents rank defense minister as most effective in government; 45% say Foreign Minister Cohen should step down after revealing meeting with Libyan envoy
