Rights groups say decision could set precedent for dozens of other families in ongoing battle for control of Silwan neighborhood

Israel sees a real estate dispute hijacked by propagandists; Palestinians say it’s part of an Israeli policy to erase them in Jerusalem. Who’s right? And why does it resonate so?

Defense Ministry to okay 1,000 Palestinians homes and some 2,000 settler houses; Jerusalem court freezes Palestinian home demolitions in Silwan

Two police officers, 13 Palestinians hurt in skirmishes in Silwan; Hamas, Islamic Jihad warn of potential 'explosion' in tense ceasefire with Israel should demolitions continue

Judges decide to wait until Supreme Court hands down decision on similar appeal against other evictions in East Jerusalem neighborhood, amid heavy international pressure

Some 19 families face removal from their homes under court order; cases come after international attention drawn to similar situation in nearby Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood

Victim said to have a disability; guard employed via Housing Ministry, which urges probe; police start investigation

After being ordered to hold fire, Border Police officer shot Palestinian driver Nur Shuqeir, who had injured a policeman with his car while reportedly attempting to flee checkpoint

Police open investigation into death of Hanan Yassim Zalum, who was apparently hit by stray gunfire while she was at home

In move that could spell end of entire project, court says government must provide 'factual basis' for claims project will increase visits to city
