'Sound of Music' performance alerted audience to Nazi themes; earlier this year, Jewish star Tracy-Ann Oberman said 'The Merchant of Venice' didn't need antisemitism caution

Martin Bodek renders the traditional holiday text into readable Elizabethan English, seamlessly adding multiple quotes from each of the great writer's 39 plays

Earliest piece is a 1499 erotic fantasy titled 'The Dream of Poliphilus'; anonymous donation comprises 7 texts spanning 400 years, 'significantly enriching' library's collection

Theater in the Rough troupe brings infamous Shylock character to Jerusalem stage, in bid to grapple with complexities and contradictions of Shakespeare’s creation

But it serves no critical or artistic purpose to judge the film - in theaters since Dec. 25 and debuting on AppleTV Jan. 14 - by what it may have been with Ethan Coen onboard

Stars align in 'The Tragedy of Macbeth,' with a mature and experienced cast meeting an austere and chilling cinematic universe that seems half real, half fantasy

After winning renown, Sher began to explore both his Jewish and his South African heritage, including adapting Primo Levi’s Auschwitz memoir into a one-man show

Shakespeare adaptation starring Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand is a minimalist noir nightmare, cloaked in shadow and fog and filled with expressionist imagery

News anchor errs by just about 400 years, confusing the famous bard with a British man with the same name who died last week of an illness unrelated to the shot

British author Michael Morpurgo cites anti-Semitism as one reason for not including ‘The Merchant of Venice’ in his collection of plays adapted for children
